タイトル | |
A Tool to Transform Monologue Lecture Style into Dialogue Style by Adding a Tutee Agent in an Educational Video | |
著者 | |
アブストラクト | |
![]() One interesting finding regarding lecture videos is that watching dialogue-style lecture videos produce better learning results for observer students than the monologue ones. Previous studies found dialogue-style lecture videos are better than monologue lecture videos because the observer student learns more from tutee than a tutor. Inspired by how the tutee plays a role in a dialogue video, we developed a system that transforms a monologue-style lecture video into dialogue-style lecture video by adding a tutee agent. As the result of the experiment of the system, most observer students preferred the dialogue style videos for various reasons. |
雑誌名 | |
インタラクション2020論文集 © 情報処理学会 2020 |
論文ID | |
3P-88 | |
ページ | |
1109-1113 | |
発行日 | |
2020年3月2日 | |
発行所 | |
発行人 | 一般社団法人 情報処理学会 |
住所 | 〒101-0062 東京都千代田区神田駿河台一丁目5番地 化学会館4F |
TEL. | 東京 (03) 3518-8374 (代表) |
sig@ipsj.or.jp |